Chapters and Affiliates Chartered Chapters of the Alpha Delta Phi Society Brunonian ChapterBrown UniversityProvidence, Rhode IslandEstablished 1836 President:Daniel Kang ’25Grad President:Jennifer Ragsdale ’98Website | Facebook Capital ChapterGeorge Washington UniversityWashington, District of ColumbiaEstablished 2014 President:Elizabeth Bodette ’25Grad President:Kylie Madden ’17Website | Facebook Columbia ChapterColumbia UniversityNew York, New YorkEstablished 1836 President: Grad President:Celina Kelly ’09 Lambda Phi ChapterMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MassachusettsEstablished 2023 President:Andrew Milton ’25Grad President:Steven Bergstein ’87Website Middletown ChapterWesleyan UniversityMiddletown, ConnecticutEstablished 1856 President:Amelia Thornton ’25Grad President:Angela Pellegrino-Grant ’98Website | Facebook Rensselaer ChapterRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroy, New YorkEstablished 2015 President:Olivia Peck-Kropywnyckyj ’25Website | Facebook Affiliate Chapters of the Alpha Delta Phi Society Flint Affiliate ChapterKettering UniversityFlint, MichiganEstablished 2022 President:Pierce Dudek ’27 Lavender Affiliate ChapterUniveristy of Wisconsin-WhitewaterWhitewater, WisconsinEstablished 2023 President:Sawyer Reid ’25 New Leaf Affiliate ChapterIndiana State UniversityTerre Haute, IndianaEstablished 2019 President:Vic Lozano ’27 Ursinian Affiliate ChapterUrsinus CollegeCollegeville, PennsylvaniaEstablished 2015 President:Evan Chartock ’25Website | Facebook Graduate Chapters of the Alpha Delta Phi Society Binghamton ChapterBinghamton UniversityVestal, New YorkEstablished 2011 Grad President:Tiffany Moustakas ’15Facebook Bowdoin Graduate ChapterBowdoin CollegeBrunswick, MaineEstablished 1841 Grad President:Peter Kester ’87Website | Facebook Granite Graduate ChapterUniversity of New HampshireDurham, New HampshireEstablished 2007 Grad President:Anthony Conti ’09Facebook Penn Graduate ChapterUniversity of PennsylvaniaPhiladephia, PennsylvaniaEstablished 2010 Grad President:Max Morant ’16Facebook Stanford Graduate ChapterStanford UniversityPalo Alto, CaliforniaEstablished 1916 Grad President:Charles Schmelz ’90Facebook Inactive Chapters Middlebury Chapter (Middlebury College)Vermont Affiliate (University of Vermont)Harvard Affiliate (Harvard University)Plattsburgh Affiliate (SUNY Plattsburgh)