Incident Reporting Information
Please report incidents of harm using the following form:
Or you may leave a voicemail at the ADPS Incident Report Hotline below. If you would like Member Safety to call you back, please say so in the voicemail.
(513) 716-5401
About Reporting
The Society wants everyone (guests and members alike) to feel safe at Society- and Chapter-events, in Society- and Chapter-managed spaces, and during Society- or Chapter-sponsored interactions.
These reporting methods may be used to report any harm caused by one or more members of the Society (graduate members, undergraduate members, and/or not-yet-initiated members/pledges) regardless of the seeming size or impact of the incident.
You do not need to be a member of the Society to submit a report. You may submit a report anonymously.
You may submit a report and request that no action(s) be taken. The harmed party always has the agency to decide how they want to proceed (or not).
All reports are managed by Member Safety with extreme care. If you have any questions or concerns about reporting, please email
Please be aware the form and voicemail will be sent to the following people: Joan Charlotte Matelli and Ashley Taylor.
If you have questions or concerns about Member Safety, please contact Michael Blitstein at