Want to get involved?

The Society is always looking for volunteers to help out with a wide variety of projects. 

To join a team, or if you have an idea not listed below, please fill out our volunteer form, or email President Mike Blitstein at president@adps.org to get started!

Our Teams


Alina Lacombe

The Accessibility committee advises other committees to make sure the Society is doing its best to be as accessible as possible. This committee’s ongoing projects include increasing Convention accessibility, reformatting our website to be more accessible, and reviewing chapter practices to better advise our undergraduates. 


[Chair Needed]

The Awards committee celebrates our most deserving members and chapters by collecting nominations, selecting award recipients and creating new awards.


If you are interested in directing this committee, please reach out to our Executive Director at executivedirector@adps.org.

Chapter Services

Chris Jackson

Chapter Services is committed to guiding and supporting our undergraduate chapters. We build relationships with chapter leaders, and serve as a central point of contact. We work to address the needs of the chapters by providing innovative ideas, practical solutions, and funding. Our goal is that all chapters thrive.

Development and Communication

Dena Schwartz

The Development and Communications committee cultivates and maintains relationships with active and potential donors, enabling the Society to build communities and strengthen an ongoing commitment to education beyond the classroom.

The team publishes the annual Xaipe newsletter, sends e-newsletters, and maintains an active presence on social media. It keeps Society members up to date on current events and highlights the accomplishments of our members and chapters.


Kylie Madden

The Events Committee coordinates the logistics for Society-wide events, including Convention, in-person board meetings, and other graduate member events. It also manages the Society store and designs new merchandise.


Mimi Walczuk

The Finance Committee assists the Treasurer with forming policies, aligns spending with Society priorities, and helps determine which programs and services receive funding. (No background in finance is necessary.)

Grad Org Support

Thom Clark

The Graduate Organization Support committee advises young graduate chapters through semi-annual check-ins and the creation of guiding documents. If you’re better at working with alumni than undergraduates, this may be the committee for you!


David Clodfelter

The Legal committee is a team of experts that the Board relies upon for all legal matters, including drafting policies, negotiating a new separation agreement with the Fraternity, and analyzing a catering contract for Convention. (No formal legal training is necessary.)

New Chapter Development

Emery Miller

The New Chapter Development committee ensures that the Society continues to grow. It identifies colleges where a new affiliate chapter would be a good fit, responds to inquiries from interested groups, and helps start affiliate chapters.