Sword & Spear

The Society Sword and Spear Award is the highest distinction bestowed upon an undergraduate member in the Society. It is awarded to one junior or senior who has done outstanding work for their chapter, campus, community, and Society. Each Chapter and Affiliate may annually nominate only one member, and all applicants must be fully-initiated members and registered on the National Society’s membership list.

A $500 prize will be awarded to the recipients’ chapter in their honor. The winner of the Society Sword and Spear is announced at the annual Society Convention Banquet.

Once your chapter has decided upon a nominee, a chapter officer should email Zach Wilson by May 31 (Zachary.Philip.Wilson@gmail.com).  The nominees will receive an email detailing the application process which requires a transcript, a list of college activities, and a few letters of recommendation.  The deadline for completing the application is typically in late fall or early winter.

Previous honorees have included:

2000: Thomas Clark, Bowdoin 1999
2002: George Curts, Stanford 2002
2003: Melissa Marks, Columbia 2003
2004: KJ Iribe, Middletown 2004
2005: Chris Guhin, Brunonian 2005
2006: (co-winner): Leah Stern, Middletown 2006
2006: (co-winner): Michael Wasserman, Brunonian 2006
2007: Lynn Cartwright-Punnett, Middletown 2007
2008: Robert C.K. Boyd, Middletown 2008
2009: Alexander Sayer Gard-Murray, Brunonian 2009
2010: Haley Knapp, Stanford 2011
2011: Phil Arevalo, Brunonian 2011
2012: Zachary Philip Wilson, Brunonian 2012
2013: Michael Rose, Brunonian 2013
2014: Christine Chapman, Brunonian 2014
2015: Kaeden Thompson, Middletown 2015
2016: Alex Moehring, Binghamton 2016
2017: Sarah Weinbrom, Capital 2017
2018: Lydia Ramharack, Penn 2018
2019: Cailyn Hansen, Brunonian 2019