Prior to Initiation
Prior to Initiation
- Pledge Pins can be ordered by emailing with quantity, mailing address, and payment method. Cost is $6.50 each. Pay via PayPal, mail check to 2242 N. Baldwin Way #5B, Palatine, IL 60074, or call 847-581-1992 with credit card.
- New Bio Form Spreadsheet must be downloaded, filled out, and emailed to by a Chapter Officer one week prior to initiation.
- Initiation Fee of $300 per member must be paid by each Initiate, or by the Chapter, via PayPal or check one week prior to initiation. Late payments are $350.
- Insurance Payment of $55 per member must be paid by each Chapter via PayPal or check one week prior to initiation.
- Member Badges will be mailed to your chapter upon (1) completion of receipt of New Member Bio Form Spreadsheet and (2) payment of Initiation Fees, or the creation of a payment plan. Allow 6 weeks for processing and shipping. Cost is included in Initiation Fees.